Is the e-cigarette foreseeable before?

I think that the people who poured into the e-cigarette industry from 2018 to 2019 have foreseen the risks of the e-cigarette industry. As an individual, when I had not yet entered the e-cigarette industry, I could feel the risks of the e-cigarette industry. After all, this has something to do with the tobacco industry. It is impossible for the government not to pay attention to the country’s huge tax sources, but at that time. -Cigarette\'s domestic market is not large, and it has not been noticed yet. After I entered the e-cigarette industry in 2018, I found that the Internet has repeatedly reported the phenomenon of the proliferation of e-cigarette use by minors. At that time, I wrote The article expressed concern. My opinion at the time was: If the proliferation of e-cigarettes by minors is not resolved, the government will only be able to take stronger measures to deal with the e-cigarette industry. Sure enough, in
