Everyone understands the dangers of cigarettes, but because cigarettes have a long tradition and the habit of smoking is deeply ingrained, the ratio of smoking cigarettes has always been high. Although cigarettes are very harmful, few countries list cigarettes as banned products. Most countries only list areas where smoking is prohibited or control the smoking of minors. The main reason for not smoking is that cigarettes can Bringing high taxes to the government. For example, in China, tobacco taxes in 2018 reached about 1 trillion yuan. Such a huge income is generally reluctant to give up, so the cigarette industry has been very moist and worry-free. No worries until the arrival of the e-cigarette. Smoking cigarettes has many disadvantages. In addition to harming your health, smoking causes unpleasant taste, smoking environment leaves a smell of smoke, produces difficult-to-remove tooth stains, second-hand smoke makes peop