Open vape store to make money?

Open vape store to make money? The vape store can provide vape customers with vape devices and e liquid experience in real time, which is why vape brick stores can develop so rapidly when e-commerce is so developed. Because the vape store has a certain regional nature, there should be no one who is accurate. The data indicates the actual operation status of the vape cue point, so I will analyze it in my place in Huizhou, Guangdong.
vape store
In Huizhou, vape started to appear about 5 years ago. In the first two years of the first two years, there were only a few vape stores in Huizhou, but in 2015, suddenly there were dozens of vape stores, so many times. The vape store, giving the impression that opening a vape store is very profitable.
But is this the case? Let’s discuss the development of the three vape brick stores I have actually seen:
The first one: I know the boss of a vape store. He used to be a vape fan. His friends saw the prospect of the vape market. He partnered with him to open a vape store. I have been to his store. Inside the seller is a variety of vape equipment and e liquid, and some vape surrounding, there is a space for guests to experience vape. This vape store is opened in a community. The guests who come to spend are basically young and young. The grades are basically no more than 30 years old, and most of them are around 10 people. The business in the store is not bad, at least it has been break-even, and there is some income. It is already very difficult for a vape store that has just opened for a few months to have such sales. But half a year later, this vape store closed, why?
vape store
Through communication, I found the following problem: Vape is basically only my friend who is in business, and his partner has never been to the store because he does not understand vape. Friends feel pressure when they look at the store. The guests he met, sometimes in the vape area, smoking vape to the early hours, which caused my friend to rest less, but only he looked at the store alone, no one replaced him, which he could not bear, So I closed the store.
The second one: This is a store that opens the vape store near the entrance of the school. The students who come to the store are basically some students, and the grades are basically under 18 years old. Because the concept of consumption of minors is easier to shape, the owner of this vape store attracted the students’ attention through vape’s fancy smoke show, and then the shopkeeper began to recommend their vape equipment and e liquid like students, and taught them to play. Fancy smoke, so he cultivated a group of loyal consumers, so the business of this vape store is very hot.
Because this vape store is mainly for students as sales targets, even they are simply minors, so this is not recommended, so vape store earns more money, I also disagree.
The third one: This vape store started a popular commercial area, and it is also in the commercial street of tourist attractions, where there are many people. At this time, do you think his business will be good? Actually, it is not. Through the exchange with this store manager, it is found that although there are a lot of people here, there are very few people who go into the store, because the store is open in this golden area, the store rent is very high, and the store is only at a loss. The state of recovery, it is good to recover labor costs.
In summary, and the exchange with the vape store manager, I think: the current vape store can still make money. But if you want to open a vape store, you should pay attention to some issues:
1. The choice of the location of the store, the location determines your customer base, so it is very important, the place where the flow of people is more expensive, but not necessarily your target customer, so it is not necessary to find a place where people flow, but to see Your customer base.
2. Quit smoking? At present, most of the customers of the vape store are some vape players, that is, players who like to play fancy smoke, and there are very few customers who actually quit smoking and replace cigarettes. So if you want to quit smoking or replace cigarettes, you should be cautious.
3, In addition to you have to understand e-cigarettes, open vape store also choose a partner who understands vape. To manage a vape store is only one person, basically it is very difficult, so you need 1 or 2 partners. But a partner who doesn’t understand vape can’t help you.
